Monday, August 9, 2010

August 2010

Well, here it is August already. My bestie Shawn is 29 weeks pregnant now, wow that went fast!! Hopefully this month is it. Today is day 28 of this cycle and usually by now there would be signs of Aunt Flo or PG and Aunt Flo hasn't shown any signs of her face, so we shall see. Hoping it's it this time! We shall see. Time will tell. My cycles aren't consistently 28 day cycles or 30 day cycles, they range from 24 to 30 days, so still a couple of days to think this month might be the month. I should think by Wednesday or Thursday I'll probably be testing if nothing's showed up. And if it happens to be +, I'll be calling my doc ASAP to start progesterone just in case that may be in an issue, can't hurt!! I'll keep ya posted! Thanks for following! :)


  1. Well, I know it's just around the corner due to small spotting, just wish AF would show her face and get it over with so we can wait for next month. Also got a call from Dr. Bishop's office (my OB/GYN) and they put a call in to Dr. Murphy/Dr. Karnitis' office (fertility center of NWO) to try and get me switched to Dr. Karnitis. I had seen Dr. Murphy and did not care for him or his attitude towards things and I've not heard one bad thing about Karnitis and everyone walks out of there PG, so that's where I wanna go. I'll call tomorrow to see if the office manager let me switch (their policy is to not allow dr switching). But I told them I had a bad experience, so hopefully that will let it slide!!

  2. So what did you find out about switching docs? Anything yet? Thinking about you sweetie! <3

  3. Still they are being pains in my butt (to say it nicely), so again monday i will try and talk with the office manager again and if she says no, I am going to switch to ann arbor!! Totally bummed about it, but i'm sick of wasting time. each month that goes by is another one wasted!! :(

  4. Oh no friend. Love this site, and totally relate to you. Hope you have better luck at U of M!!

  5. Thanks girls!! I have written them off and have an appt 9/23 at U of M, so I'm pretty pumped, hopefully these are the ones that will take the time to listen! :)

  6. YAY! Who are you gonna see? They listen!! They let you have questions. They let you choose when and where (as long as it coincides with your cycle) and when I came in, they said, "30? No problem. We can make this happen quickly!" Good luck. Where will you be in your cycle then?

  7. Thanks Sunshine, I'm both excited and nervous, so we'll just have to see I guess!! :) I'm going to see Dr. Senait Fisseha (I guess she's a director or co-director of that program). I will be actually day 15 of my cycle which is usually the day I ovulate, so too late for intervention for this cycle, but next one would only be a couple weeks away, so hopefully things start happening!!
