Monday, December 27, 2010


Sorry everyone, I have sort of led you on......but now the cat is outta the bag!!!

We're PREGNANT!!! YAY!! :) 8 weeks 0 days today by ultrasound. I am being released to my regular OB and go in for my first OB appt 1/6/11 :)

I do have a subchorionic bleed which was found on an unscheduled u/s (due to a gush of blood) on 12/20/10. Just taking it easy. No official bedrest but not doing anything crazy, pelvic rest and no working at the hospital until it has resolved, even though it can last the whole pregnancy!!

But we are optimistic and are praying for a healthy 9 months :)

We kept it quiet for obvious reasons, and while 8 weeks is still early, our progress is much better than it ever has been, so praying this is the one :)

Any and all positive thoughts/prayers are much appreciated :)


  1. OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!!!! I AM SOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! WOOOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!! Okay, I will stop yelling now! :) I was just going to write you today and tell you it was time for an update! This is the best one EVER!!!! Keep us all in the know. I am thinking of you and praying for you and Tim like always!

  2. heehee!! Thanks Casey!! Yeah, I was putting off the updates until this point!! We're progressing well. Got released from U of M today, have my first OB appt 1/6/11, so we will see then :) That will probably be my next update!! Glad I made you happy-yell!! :) Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, they are much appreciated!! :)

  3. Sneaky girl!! Optimism is a must!! Good luck my friend and hopefully we will be getting our little ones together soon!!

  4. praise and glory to God! so excited for you lissa my dear. YYEAAHH!!! i know each u/s and appointment will bring a flood of emotions and anxieties--i know it did for me!! but God's peace always wins out if we let it. praying for a healthy pregnancy and praising God with you upon hearing this wonderful news!!!!

  5. Congratulations! I was suspicious something more was going on than you were saying! I'm so excited for you and will be praying for you and this baby!

  6. Thanks Dani!! Oh, that day I saw you, I was getting a repeat Beta done and I tried so hard to keep it in!!! Phew, I made it!! hahaha!! I knew you probably had a clue especially going through all of your stuff!! Thank you so much for the prayers, I really appreciate it :)
