Saturday, October 30, 2010


Well today Brayden is 2 weeks old! He is so adorable!! Got to hold him and get my picture with him the other day. Can't wait to see it!

Today is CD23, so 5 more days til AF or testing, which I will be in Mexico for either, so I will have to pack both a pregnancy test and funny!! Probably should test tomorrow so I will know before I have my fun in Mexico, but I only have 1 test left right now, so guess I will wait til AF or test day!!

Can't wait for either (AF or BFP) so we can get this party started in one way or the other! The next week or show will determine what the next step is, so guess I'm just gonna let go and relax for the week. CD28 lands on Tim's 30th birthday, so that'd be cool!! We'll just have to wait and see!! I won't be too heartbroken if AF shows, because I know at least my system works on its own. We'll get it figured out eventually, only time will tell!! :)

Stay tuned.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

LH Surge

Well, after giving up on ovulation predictor kits (because I've known I ovulate on my own), I decided to test on one today and's day 14 this month...OMG, have I been missing it by a day each month? Well, guess we'll just have to see if it makes a difference this month. Last month on our own before starting meds. Who knows maybe we won't need the meds. Fingers crossed!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


BRAYDEN GREGORY WINSTED made his appearance today at 9:53am weighing in at 7#1oz 21 1/2" long. Can't wait to meet him. Both Mom and baby are doing great! :) WAHOOOO!! :)

My Sonohystogram on 10/14 came out great. So, according to the dr, all my labs including the sonohystogram are within normal limits which is a good sign. I had 25 antral follicles (look it up....too hard to explain) which is an excellent number showing that I should respond beautifully to meds. So........this month is on our own cuz it's too late in the cycle to start anything.

Next month, I call the office on day 1 to schedule a 14 day u/s. I will start Femara on days 3-7, then have an u/s on day 14 to see how it affected eggs & if all looks well, they will give me a shot of Ovidrel to release them, then BD that day and the next 2 days, then hope and pray for the best! I'm excited!! At least someone's on my side thinking positive from a dr's perspective. I love Dr. Fisseha and their office staff! :)

Mexico bound 11/1-11/8 for a friends wedding in Riviera Maya (Playa del Carmen), can't wait for that obviously. Never been to an all inclusive resort before!! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Well, lots going on. So far all my labs are all normal, or at most "a little low". Sonohystogram tomorrow, and that will be it. Follow up appt next thursday in Ann Arbor to discuss everything and come up with a plan. Excited and very anxious to get going. We go to Mexico from November 1st-8th and unfortunately during that time would include my day 3 to have an u/s before meds start. Um, not gonna be able to do that while in Mexico, so either we get pregnant this month on our own, or we wait til December to start meds, or I ask for Progesterone to delay my cycle a few days so I can be back in the states for my u/s and meds this next month. It will happen how it should, I suppose, so we'll see.

Shawn is 38.2 weeks pregnant today :) We went to dinner with them last night (way overdue), and she looked awesome, really!! :) She says she doesn't think Brayden will arrive this weekend, but maybe next weekend!! YAY!! :)

Sunshine is 4.2 weeks pregnant and hopefully all will continue well for mom and baby for the next 8 months!! That is so promising and exciting!! :)

God is good ALL THE TIME!!!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Shawn is 37.2 wks today and has an appt today for an u/s to check his size and determine the next step! SOOOO pumped. Can't wait to meet Brayden! :)

Me? Just waiting for AF, she should come tomorrow full bore as today is day 28, making tomorrow day 1!! Good thing is 2nd month in a row of being exactly 28 day cycle, it's been between 24-30 days, so this is a good sign!!

Sonohystogram next thursday 10/14/10 along with hubby's test, then waiting....AAAAAAAAAGAIN!!! If this month doesn't work....Femara starting November's cycle. Gonna allow that 3 months to work on it's own. If nothing by the end of 3 months, will add injections starting February 2011. By then, I'd be lucky to have a 2011 baby, but eventually it will happen....that's what they keep telling me! ;)

Hoping to hear good news from other friends TTC as well as meeting all my new "nephews" :) 2 out of 3 are here, and I have yet to see any of them, hope to see them all soon! :)