Saturday, October 16, 2010


BRAYDEN GREGORY WINSTED made his appearance today at 9:53am weighing in at 7#1oz 21 1/2" long. Can't wait to meet him. Both Mom and baby are doing great! :) WAHOOOO!! :)

My Sonohystogram on 10/14 came out great. So, according to the dr, all my labs including the sonohystogram are within normal limits which is a good sign. I had 25 antral follicles (look it up....too hard to explain) which is an excellent number showing that I should respond beautifully to meds. So........this month is on our own cuz it's too late in the cycle to start anything.

Next month, I call the office on day 1 to schedule a 14 day u/s. I will start Femara on days 3-7, then have an u/s on day 14 to see how it affected eggs & if all looks well, they will give me a shot of Ovidrel to release them, then BD that day and the next 2 days, then hope and pray for the best! I'm excited!! At least someone's on my side thinking positive from a dr's perspective. I love Dr. Fisseha and their office staff! :)

Mexico bound 11/1-11/8 for a friends wedding in Riviera Maya (Playa del Carmen), can't wait for that obviously. Never been to an all inclusive resort before!! :)


  1. Congratulations to the Winsted's! And congratulations to you too, Miss Lissa! I am so glad that everything came out good on your tests. You are well on your way to becoming a great momma! Have a great time in will just love the all inclusive resort! Thoughts and prayers with you as always! :)

  2. YAY! glad to hear that everything went ok. And was the SHG painful? I sure hope not. So glad you caught your ovulation day and maybe you will not need the dr. Otherwise, I am thinking and praying for you!!
