Thursday, October 21, 2010

LH Surge

Well, after giving up on ovulation predictor kits (because I've known I ovulate on my own), I decided to test on one today and's day 14 this month...OMG, have I been missing it by a day each month? Well, guess we'll just have to see if it makes a difference this month. Last month on our own before starting meds. Who knows maybe we won't need the meds. Fingers crossed!!


  1. So, according to the rules of this stuff, I should ovulate within the next 24-36 hrs....BOWCHICKAWOWOW!!!! ;) LOL!

  2. Oh my gosh...I was gonna write bowchickawowow, and then I saw that you wrote that funny!!! We think too much alike sometimes! :) I am crossing everything that I can cross for you and Tim, and wishing, and hoping, and praying... Love you!!!! <3

  3. OMG, are you getting busy!? hehehe!

  4. Casey~ LOL! We do think a lot a like, that's why we could be a lot of trouble together! :) Thanks for crossing everything, I'll take all I can get! :) Love you too friend!!

    Sunshine~LOL!! Wouldn't you like to know? Or maybe not....maybe we'll know the answer shortly!! I'm not convinced but it's at least a possibility! :)
