Saturday, January 29, 2011

12 weeks, 2 days (1/29/11)

Wow, so it's been 3 weeks since I've posted.....oops!! ;) Been pretty busy, and exhausted to no end. But...all is well with momma & baby :) Had u/s from weeks 9-11 at Dr. Bishop's office mostly for peace of mind due to my past history, so we were able to see growth each week and the heartrate. This past week at 12 weeks, I went to see the dr and he just listened with the doppler, so we heard the heartbeat, just couldn't see it. It was nice and fast, so all is still well :) Next appt is in 4 weeks. He said 4 weeks is a long time to not hear a heartbeat so he said I could make it for 2 or 3 weeks if I wanted, and if I felt I needed to come in more that I could. Love him :) Instead we made the appt for 4 weeks, and I've purchased a doppler that should be arriving sometime this next week. So, that will be reassuring. Other than that, nothing's changed, I still get nauseated sometimes, but really the exhaustion is what is killing me, but it makes me know all is well inside :)Stay tune :)

1 comment:

  1. I am still so over the moon happy for you and Tim! And also so glad that things are progressing so well. Let me know if there is anything at all that you need! Luv you! <3
