Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back to reality

Well, we got home late last night from Mexico. Kinda bittersweet! We had a great time with awesome friends and I loved every minute of it, but it's always nice to be back home. And the fact that it's not snowing and freezing helps too :)

Today is CD6 and day 4 of the femara, I'm calling to schedule my day 14 u/s and hopefully that day things will look good and I'll get my injection and move forward. We'll see. Busy couple months with activities coming up, which will be good to keep us sidetracked.

Looking forward to lots of family and friends and fun!!

Hopefully only good news to share next month!


  1. So is tomorrow the ultrasound? I am praying for some really great news and hope that my experience doesn't turn you off. It is really unlikely. Good luck, friend!

  2. Thanks Sunshine! Yes, today is my u/s. How sweet of you to remember in your trying time! I will post what comes of today. It is at 10:45am. Your experience does not turn me off at all, however it is my prayer to not have to endure that again! Thank you for the luck. Stay tuned! Love ya!
